Inspiration: there are no words to describe this, It's a feeling, a push, To the right direction, You give me inspiration, That motivation, To do things I wouldn't have, To explore the unknown, Which I fear, Helping me understand there is more, Than what's offered, Inspiration...leading me to the positive, Not the negative, Revealing things in a new light, Something I needed to see, Thank u so much, It was what I needed to discover 'me' ...
If u think u are beaten, you are. If you think u dare not, you don't. If you'd like to win but think you can't, It's almost certain you won't. Life's battles don't always go To the stronger or faster man, But sooner or later, the man who wins Is the man who thinks he can...
We mst be silent before we can listen, We mst listen before we can learn. We mst learn before we can prepare, We mst prepare before we can serve, We mst serve before we can lead.
In a world full of hate & despair where do you turn when all else seems as if it is crumbling beneath you. It relates to, as if you were trapped in a crushing tide where everything is out of ur control. No way to get back to the shore or touch the ocean floor to give you a push for freedom. No matter how hard you try. You simply keep getting lost in the never ending tide.
Darkness dat lies deep inside of me.
Come forth in all thy mystery.
Show me thy gaze.
Teach me thy ways.
Dat I a better person may be.
Luv dat lies deep inside of me.
Come forth in all thy unity.
Let me be thy gaze.
Let me teach thy ways.
Dat I a better person may be.
In the wake of yawning decadence,
In the arms of dreadful pestilence.
In the eyes of hopeless impudence,
Fearless Thou shalt be!
Wen the time is ripe 2 cast the sword.
Wen the time is prime 2 spread the word,
Wen evil's ugly head is reared,
Fearless Thou shalt be!
Wen it's time 2 do the best things right,
Wen it's time 2 hold ur stance & fight.
Wen u don't look back 2 dread ur plight,
Fearless Thou shalt be!
U start dying the second u're born.
so don't let u life be an 80 year-long scorn.
don't be a slave 2 every rule in the book.
bcoz back on ur life u will look.
& regret chances u have never taken.
& all the things u have mistaken.
yet on the contrary I want u 2 see.
don't rob urself of whatever u want ur life 2 be.
Pick flowers " Walk in the rain " Admire nature.
Hug trees " Kick leaves " Climb a hill.
Be happy " Nurture & nourish " ur spirit.
Believe in miracles " Listen 2 music " Write letters.
. Cook a meal for a friend " Dance under the stars".
Take a risk " Learn from mistakes " Look for joy.
Go on a holiday " Fly a kite " Splash in puddles.
Believe u can & u will.
I luv thine inland seas
Thy groves of giant trees
Thy rolling plains
Thy rivers' mighty sweep
Thy mystic canyons deep
Thy mountains wild & steep
All thy domains
Little I ask, my wants are few
I only wish a hut of stone
(A very plain brown stone will do
Dat I may call my own
& close at hand is such a one
In yonder street dat fronts the sun.
If u think u are beaten, u are.
If u think u dare not, u don't
If u like 2 win but think u can't
It's almost a cinch u won't.
If u think u'll lose, u're lost.
For out in the world we find
Success begins wid a fellow's will
It's all in the state of mind.
If u think u are beaten, u are.
If u think u dare not, u don't
If u like 2 win bt think u can't
It's almost a cinch u won't.
If u think u'll lose, u're lost.
For out in the world we find
Success begins wid a fellow's will
It's all in the state of mind.
I m like a flower
Not sure of wen I will die.
Not sure of wen I will grow back again
Wen I m crushed wid pain & cry.
Wat appears 2 be evil
Mst b totally avoided
Very eagerly awaiting devil
Which is by all souls dreaded
Standing in the middle of the mountain
Up on me is falling snow
River of luv is flowing
Standing by my side, the women I know
live like a winner
give life all u've got
make ur best shot
live like a winner
rock what u've got
jst don't get caught
New friends & old,
Adventures so bold,
God's way of saying,
Are u still praying.
Don't look a bit run-down,
Life has its ups & downs.
World iz full of good & bad,
All are not foe, don't go mad.
U My friend
Some times u make me mad
bt I cant stay mad
U My friend
Sometimes I want 2 get away from u
& sometimes there's nothing I want mor than
2 talk 2 u
2 tell u abt my day
2 hear about urs
2 laugh wid u
2 tease u
2 share an inside joke
dat no one else would get
2 argue wid u
bt know we are just kidding
May the stars carry ur sadness away
May the flowers fill ur heart wid beauty
May hope forever wipe away ur tears
&, above all, may silence make u strong
2day I bought u flowers for the first time ever
2day I got down on my knees & 2ld u I would luv u forever
2day I knew we would never have another fight
2day I prayed for God 2 help me walk in His Light
For 2day I laid u down 2 rest
God sat it before me but I failed the test
Yes 2day I learned of things both small & great
Only 2day was just a little 2o late
Ur dream is
ur direction
ur inspiration
ur motivation
Decide on a
dream 2day
Nothing will inspire u
in quite the same way
A dream is the only
true adventure
Wen u have a dream
u swim the rivers of pleasure
Before u look for things 2 change...
look deep inside ur soul.
The Lord has given u all the clues...
always follow ur dream.
Perhaps u feel the end is near...
& u've done everything u can.
Never give up, anything can happen...
if u always follow ur dream.
WIN! Never Give Up In Life. As long as we keep pushing, keep persisting, we will definitely achieve whatever we set out to achieve.
Just smiling goes a long way toward making you feel better about life. & when you feel better about life, your life is better.
Stop chasing someone who doesn't care about you. Turn around to see the people that are chasing you.
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